Obion County Board of Education
June 27, 2011

Agenda Item: V.

Preliminary Matters/Consent Agenda

Preliminary Matters:

The Obion County Board of Education will meet June 27, 2011 at Central Office at 7:30 a.m. All items to be considered/discussed are within the agenda.

Consent Agenda (Item VI.):

The consent agenda consists of the monthly personnel report and the monthly financial reports/business activity.

In addition, as of May 27, 2011, the following items have been removed from the technology inventory system and taken to the Obion County Recycling Center:

(10)        computers
(8)          monitors
(1)          printer

All of the above equipment was in non-working condition or of no value due to usage and age. A document describing the equipment is attached.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of all items listed on the consent agenda.